Backup Puppy University

Puppy University curriculum – What will my dog learn?

Puppy University is our follow-on course from Puppy School.

Puppy University is designed to offer our clients a structured yet fun and educational course that tackles some of the challenges of owning an adolescent dog.

The comprehensive programme has been specifically designed to develop further training and motivation.

Puppy University is a set of six training classes lasting one hour each week.

Each training exercise gradually progresses from easy to more complex activities, building on your dog’s understanding and reliability each week.

  • Checking in
  • Building up a Retrieve
  • Verbal markers
  • Life Rewards
  • Weekly Tricks!
  • Developing ‘Leave’
  • Distance cues
  • Developing Loose lead walking
  • Developing ‘Stays’
  • Manners through gateways and doorways