Super PUP
Do you want a Superpup?
A puppy that chooses good deeds over chaos and mischief? Learn how to bring out your puppy's inner superhero with Puppy School's Superpup Programme. Take your puppy's boundless energy and develop it into super skills for life. From sidekick to superhero in just 6 weeks!
- Super Speed Speed up those recalls. Increase focus on your walks. With this superpower your puppy will be the fastest in the park!
- Super Strength & Fitness Simple doggy workouts and body maintenance tips for your Superpup. Important for all superheroes
- Super Stealth & Stillness Teach your Superpup the skill of complete calmness. Sometimes stealth is required on a superhero "mission"!
- Super Senses Sharpen your Superpup's senses. Play simple housework games. Build confidence around crazy scary noises. Teach your puppy to be brave and courageous!
- Super Flexibility On things, over things, under things. Fun ideas to improve your Superpup's flexibility
- Super Social From the Avengers to the X-Men, no superhero is complete without a team. Learn to become your own Superhero team with your puppy always by your side!
- Socialisation Snakes & Ladders Throughout the course use snakes and ladders game for socialisation homework challenges each week
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